Saturday, March 6, 2010


Last night I awoke from sleeping three times about this Sunday's marathon.

In a cold sweat.

I am not sure why I am so nervous, but I am. I just don't really have a good feeling inside. Which bums me out.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday about all of my frustration with running. I am tired of feeling like five miles is not what I need to do. That I am never doing enough. That I am not getting faster because I do not have the mad athletic skills to keep running for twenty six point two miles going any faster than what I have done.

Plus, I still have ten extra pounds.


Plus, I (we) really want to have another baby.


I think that I may be making some adjustments to my overall goal after this marathon.


That makes me feel like a failure.

Cold sweat.

1 comment:

  1. As a mother and a runner, we should all be comfortable enough with ourselves to change our goals to suit our needs. Otherwise, how will our children learn that it's OK to change their goals to suit their needs? You have already accomplished more with your running than many people accomplish in their lives. Run well tomorrow, and remember, "There is No Charge for Awesomeness..." (which was my OTHER marathon battle cry).
